Anthony Thogmartin of Papadosio Releases Tracks as EarthCry

From Soundcloud
“EarthCry is the pseudonym of Anthony Thogmartin from Papadosio’s solo side project. Big things are planned for the future of this music and the way upon which it will benefit the environment.

This track is one of an assemblage of 6 compositions I’ve created for my debut release. I am releasing this unfinished version so people can get a preview of the set I and Jason Takahashi will be performing at Rootwire Festival 2K12 in Logan OH.

All the songs are tuned to specific solfeggio frequencies and have been shown to aid humans in many different healing and empowering ways. Many composers have created music and soundscapes for these frequencies, most of them slow and atmospheric.

These tracks are intended to be high energy to encourage ecstatic dance states in the listener. Working closely with these frequencies has done wonders for me personally and i encourage anyone who is interested to further explore this realm.”

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