Category: Our World

Charity of the Month ~ Doctors Without Borders

This video offers a complete overview of the activities, philosophy and structure of the international humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Doctors Without Borders

About Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders~Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.

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Doctors Without Borders


Kammy’s Kause

Kammy’s Kause
Chromosome 4p- syndrome or Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, is a chromosome disorder due to partial deletion of the short (p) arm of chromosome 4. It is, therefore, also called the 4p- syndrome. Features of the syndrome include midline defects with a scalp defect, widespaced eyes, broad or beaked nose, oral facial clefts (cleft lip/palate); low simple ears with a dimple in front of the ear; small &/or asymmetrical head; heart defects; and seizures (that tends to diminish with age). There is severe to profound developmental and mental retardation. Some patients do learn to walk with or without support and some achieve sphincter control (by day). There is usually very slow progress in development. Most (nearly 90% of the cases of the syndrome are due to de novo (newly occurring) partial deletions of the short (p) arm of chromosome 4. In the remaining 10% or so of cases, one of the parents has a balanced chromosome rearrangement involving chromosome 4p from which the child’s 4p- is derived. Parents of 4p- children should therefore have chromosomes studies themselves. The syndrome is named for the American Kurt Hirschhorn and German U. Wolf who independently found the 4p- chromosome abnormality in the 1960s.


Knollfest 2009

Berkley Avenue Knoll ~ Indianapolis, IN
August 29th, 2009

About Knollfest
The 1st annual Knollfest took place on October 4, 2008 on the Berkley Avenue Knoll and was one of a kind! The goal last year was to raise money for tangible needs in art and music departments throughout several Indianapolis Public Schools while also promoting talented up-and-coming bands in the Midwest region. In 2009, they selected one school: Broad Ripple Magnet School for the Arts as the beneficiary. The hope is to be able to donate at least $1500 to BRMSA while also helping Indianapolis and surrounding areas discover young talent, underground groups and collectives taking positive initiatives throughout our community.
Knollfest would like people to recognize it not only as a fundraiser for Indianapolis Magnet programs (BRMSA, Shortridge Middle School and Crispus Atticks), but also as a venue where people can discover bands with a professional sound. Artists who are active in their communities, and creating a buzz both in the Midwest and throughout the U.S. Many of the bands featured at Knollfest can be found playing large festivals and venues around the U.S., such as Summer Camp, Rothbury, 10k Lakes, and many more! Most of the time, these bands perform in the shadows of more familiar names, however these festivals wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for the wide variety of musicians who play for the love of music and will rock you all day and all night!

2009 Artist Lineup: Groovatron, Twin Cats, Ladymoon, Shaggy Wonda, Midwest Hype, Daphne from Daphne Willis & Co and more to come!

Knollfest Sponsors: Art with a Purpose, Wuhnurth Entertainment, MIDWESTpeeps, Mousetrap, Jazz Foundation, IndyFringe, NUVO, and Earth House Collective.

Knollfest is still searching for support for this event. If you are interested in being a part of Knollfest 2009 as a sponsor, vendor, or volunteer visit or e-mail me at


Doctors Without Borders ~ Loot for Life

Doctors without Borders – Loot for Life
“Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.” From

Websites & Links | Video from ida Backman on Vimeo
